Read and do exercises for workbook Chapter 12 (only
sections 12.1 and 12.3)
Vocabulary: At this point, you may be wondering why you are
learning multi-word items since you have already learned
all of the individual words that make them up. Learning
these items will help you to develop fluency in reading and
better comprehension. Part of being a good reader is the
ability to guess what will come next in a sentence even
before you read it (though this may happen at an
unconscious level). Being able to guess effectively allows
you to attain the type of speed necessary to understand
what you are reading. Learning multi-word items gives you a
better understanding of the relationships between words and
aids in better guessing. Also, some of the multi-word items
cannot be understood by knowing the meanings of the
individual items alone. For instance, you will learn the
idiom for a person’s age that cannot be understood on the
basis of the words that make up the item.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Reminder: In Safari, to listen to
the “verbal repetition” (=VR) on the meaning pages of the
“flashcards” one should right click and open in a new